You have reached the profile page of pornstar Alyssa Lovelace. On this page you will find her basic information, biography, picture and video galleries posted on Lesbian Babelog, and links to external websites with more Alyssa Lovelace information and pictures.
Alyssa Lovelace biography
Alyssa Lovelace is a model from Palm Springs, California and was born on March 27, 1982. She started in the adult business in 2003. Alyssa has a background of Mormonism and strict religious upbringing but broke away from her past: "I decided that I didn't like people telling me that I couldn't do things and by them saying "NO" "DONT DO THIS" and "YOU CAN"T DO THAT" it only made me want it more!"
Right now Lovelace is enjoying her modeling career to its fullest now. She is also planning on becoming a third grade teacher.
Alyssa Lovelace galleries
Sponsors that feature Alyssa Lovelace
External Alyssa Lovelace links
The following links lead to other websites that also have Alyssa Lovelace information and galleries.