You have reached the profile page of pornstar Carli Banks. On this page you will find her basic information, biography, picture and video galleries posted on Lesbian Babelog, and links to external websites with more Carli Banks information and pictures.
Carli Banks biography
Carli Banks (November 16, 1985) was born and raised in Iowa and currently lives in Los Angeles where she is pursuing her modelling and acting career. She was featured in Penthouse magazine in July 2005 and appeared on the cover of the February 2006 issue of Hustler.
Banks has said the following about herself: "I'm a pretty simple person and very easy to get along with. I love girls, dancing, and the colors red and pussy pink. I love to wear flip flops and dress very casual. I'm really into paranormal stuff like aliens, ghosts, and the unknown, and I love Sci-fi movies."
Carli Banks galleries
Sponsors that feature Carli Banks
External Carli Banks links
The following links lead to other websites that also have Carli Banks information and galleries.