You have reached the profile page of pornstar Cody Love. On this page you will find her basic information, biography, picture and video galleries posted on Lesbian Babelog, and links to external websites with more Cody Love information and pictures.
Cody Love biography
Cody Love was born on 21 June, 1985 in Bradenton Florida, United States. Before starting a career in adult in 2009 Cody used to work as a fashion and catalogue model.
About her sex life she has the following to say: "When it comes to sex, hmmmm, I like it both ways. Or is that ALL ways? LOL! I like romantic loving with candles and music, but then sometimes I like to just get down on the floor and fuck like animals in heat... ya gotta keep it mixed up! I don't know if I actually have an ideal sexual partner, but I love the idea of someone funny and outgoing who is easy to talk to. My advice is to take your time. Love the whole body. I loooove being kissed down my back."
Cody Love is mainly a softcore model, doing only solor or girl/girl shoots.
Cody Love galleries
Sponsors that feature Cody Love
External Cody Love links
The following links lead to other websites that also have Cody Love information and galleries.