You have reached the profile page of pornstar Jessica Jaymes. On this page you will find her basic information, biography, picture and video galleries posted on Lesbian Babelog, and links to external websites with more Jessica Jaymes information and pictures.
Jessica Jaymes biography
Jessica Jaymes was born on March 8, 1981 in Anchorage, Alaska and has a Czechoslovakian, French, and Seminole Indian background. Jessica's adult film career began in around 2002. Her stage name is a combination of her real first name, Jessica, and the first name of her then-lover, James. In 2004 she became Hustler's first contract model and the "Hustler Honey of the Year". In August 2008 she was the Penthouse Pet of the Month.
Jessica Jaymes galleries
Sponsors that feature Jessica Jaymes
External Jessica Jaymes links
The following links lead to other websites that also have Jessica Jaymes information and galleries.