You have reached the profile page of pornstar Sophie Dee. On this page you will find her basic information, biography, picture and video galleries posted on Lesbian Babelog, and links to external websites with more Sophie Dee information and pictures.
Sophie Dee biography
Sophie Dee was born on January 17, 1984 and is from Wales. After leaving school Sophie had various jobs, such as working in cafes and selling products door-to-door. She later became a lapdancer, and was eventually offered a topless modelling job in the UK newspaper The Daily Sport. Dee worked as a Page Three girl for about a year and a half. In January 2005, she moved to California to start her adult film career and she has starred in over 200 films since, for many of which she was nominated for an AVN award. In March 2009 she had breast enlargement surgery which took her from a C-cup to a DD-cup.
Sophie Dee galleries
Sponsors that feature Sophie Dee
External Sophie Dee links
The following links lead to other websites that also have Sophie Dee information and galleries.