Bree Daniels and the We Live Together girls are enjoying a sunny day poolside. All oiled up and working on their tan, they look as sexy as ever. This threesome gets going with some flirting and playful water splashing. Until their lips meet and the sensuality between them reaches record heat levels. So they decide to take it in the shade under a canopy bed. White linens for some pink pussies. That's where the temperatures really increases and the juices start flowing... Enjoy!
For more bree daniels lesbian threesome, just visit We Live Together
We Live Together is a lipstick lesbian site where 3 female room mates hit the streets of Miami, Florida to find other cute girls to bring home. They wear short skirts, they party, they tease you with their goods, they get naked and they explore; sometimes they even all end up in the shower together, playing with each other's titties! This site acts out everyone's secret fantasy, who hasn't imagined the fine females next door having the sexiest sort of slumber parties imaginable?
See more We Live Together galleries at Lesbian Babelog.