Paris's boyfriend was stressing her out so she decided to get a massage to relax and was very happy to see that the masseuse was another girl, Samantha Bentley. As she explained her situation to her hot masseuse, she was told how helpful a massage can be to help her unwind. She was stripped naked and lain on the table. As Bentley started rubbing Paris Rock's body she stripped out of her clothes. Paris didn't seem to mind so Samantha took it one step further and started kissing Paris's breasts and sucking on her nipples. Paris was totally into it. Samantha crawled on top and sat on Paris's face so that the girls could 69 and eat each other's tight, wet pussies. After some fully relaxing pussy licking the girls slide side by side and rubbed each other's pussies until they came at the same time. It was the best massage Paris had ever had.
Thanks to All Girl Massage, the sponsor of this gallery

All Girl Massage is a premium lesbian site that is dedicated to -you guessed it- girls massaging girls. It may sound innocent but we can assure you that it is not, every woman stepping into that massage parlour is a full-blown babe with an amazing body looking for lesbian sex. "All Girl Massage - Where the ladies always get a happy ending" is the site's tagline, and that sure is no lie. Scenes usually begin with a beautiful babe coming in for a full body massage, and after every nook and cranny of their body is explored and rubbed down with oil, the making out starts. It begins with some sensual kissing and soft touching, but soon these girls start to lick pussies, rub clits and stick dildos in each other's private parts.
If you want to see more, visit All Girl Massage

As if the concept of girls massaging girls isn't enough, what makes this site even better is that every lesbian massage is brought to you in Hi-Definition. You can stream the videos in an embedded Flash player of download them in different formats to your computer. All files are even compatible with portable devices like iPad & iPhone. Also, every movie comes with a set of hi-res photos well worth checking out. Members get access to over 400 girls massaging girls vids, weekly updates, some awesome bonus content and 100% exclusivity: you won't see these videos anywhere else on the net!
Would you like to see more Samantha Bentley & Paris Rocks? No problem, just visit All Girl Massage and your wish will be fulfilled!
Would you like to see more Samantha Bentley & Paris Rocks? No problem, just visit All Girl Massage and your wish will be fulfilled!