Jamie Lynn basic information

You have reached the profile page of pornstar Jamie Lynn. On this page you will find her basic information, biography, picture and video galleries posted on Lesbian Babelog, and links to external websites with more Jamie Lynn information and pictures.
Jamie Lynn was born on February 25, 1982 and is from Northridge, Los Angeles, California. She started working in the adult industry in 2003 after the company she was working for went bankrupt. Wanting a change of pace, she answered an ad looking for actors and models for nude work. After working for eight months with various amateur photographers, Jamie met up with Penthouse Pet Jesse Capelli, who referred Lynn to agent Cam Smith. In quick order she did a two-day test shoot for Penthouse, resulting in her being Penthouse Pet of the Month for January 2005 and the Penthouse Pet of the Year for 2006. When asked if she enjoys sex with women, Lynn's answer was "No, not really. I enjoy making out with women. That's what I do."
The following links lead to other websites that also have Jamie Lynn information and galleries.