Paisley Adams basic information

You have reached the profile page of pornstar Paisley Adams. On this page you will find her basic information, biography, picture and video galleries posted on Lesbian Babelog, and links to external websites with more Paisley Adams information and pictures.
Paisley Adams was born on December 24, 1980 in Denver, Colorado (USA) and is often referred to as Cassidey Rae. She started her career at the end of the 90's, in 1998. This Five and a half foot brunette has the most beautiful green eyes and weighs 105 lbs. Thought to be a tom-boy, Cassidey loves women, of all kinds. She has done sexy layouts with many adult magazines, as well as fashion books. Paisley Adams retired in 2001, for a brief vacation during which she worked with children as a counselor, and has just returned and signed a three year contract as a Vivid Girl.
The following links lead to other websites that also have Paisley Adams information and galleries.